Frequent Trips To The Bathroom Interrupting Your Sleep?

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Frequent Trips To The Bathroom Interrupting Your Sleep?

As men get older, it’s normal for them to regularly visit the bathroom,78 particularly at night. For most men, it is worse because they have to push or strain to urinate which makes them really uncomfortable. Some of them experience torment or burning sensation when they urinate.

These symptoms are common to men above age 60 and most don’t know about the causes of the symptoms. Whenever symptoms like these are seen they may be signs of enlarge prostate, which is a well-known urological issue affecting men beyond 60 years of age. Truth be told, about 60 percent of men beyond 60 years of age up to 80 percent of men beyond 80 years of age have extended prostate and experience these symptoms.

An augmented prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is not a death sentence. An enlarge prostate is not a type of prostate malignancy, neither is it a risk factor for prostate cancer. Nonetheless, men can still acknowledge the fact that it causes uneasiness, burden, and embarrassment also. The symptoms of BPH vary depending on the seriousness of the condition. .

  • Waking frequently at night to urinate
  • Frequent feeling of the urge to urinate (at regular intervals or less)
  • Pain or burning sensation amid urination
  • Urinating repeatedly, suddenly or uncontrollably.
  • Constant pushing or straining before urinating
  • Having the feeling that there is urine in the bladder even after urinating
  • Dripping of urine after urinating

As a man advances in ages, there is a high possibility of him developing BPH. This is a result of the developmental pattern of the prostate. When a male attains the age of 40, another round of prostate development occurs which is a natural feature of maturity.

The prostate is an organ found just beneath the bladder whose principle capacity is to deliver liquid for semen. As it extends, it can place its weight on the urethra which produces an effect on the urinary tract similar to a clamp on a garden hose, in this way choking the urinary tract. As the weight increases, the constriction of the tract increases too, thus resulting in some of the symptoms of BPH.

Despite the fact that there is no known cure for BPH, medications are available and even some procedures that can help in reducing the symptoms experienced. These treatments vary from oral medications and surgical techniques to insignificantly intrusive, office-based strategies that can give fast relief for these symptoms.

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