Tired of counting sheep on that painting on the wall or on the ceiling to induce sleep? Well, there is a remedy to help you catch some sleep. It is a supplement straight from Mother Nature: Magnesium is the name!

Magnesium has been around for the longest time and has been known to help treat mood disorders. However, the most common use for magnesium at home was for constipation. Yep, you read that right! Magnesium leaves the body with a laxative effect seeping water into the stool, thereby allowing it to pass quickly. New studies show magnesium helps you sleep much quickly.

What are its features & benefits?


  • Reduces cortisol


Ever wondered why sleep hardly comes when stressed out? A hormone called cortisol is responsible for that. It is a stress hormone which makes it hard for you to sleep since the mind is over-engaged trying to work out the stress. Once taken magnesium comes in and decreases the levels of cortisol in the body. Once cortisol levels are reduced in the body, it will be much easier to sleep.


  • Aids GABA function


The brain has manyneuro-receptors, and GABA is one of them. GABA is a calming neuro-receptor that allows the brain to slow down. A low number of these GABA receptors and our brain would not be able to “shut down” in a layman sense. Glutamate, on the other hand, is what helps you play chess or do thrill seeking activities. For the brain to function the ratio of GABA properly with glutamate has to be just right. Magnesium is crucial to this ratio since it is vital to the functioning of the GABA receptors. Without it, the Glutamate level would be higher making you unable to sleep.


  • Muscle relaxer


Magnesium acts as a muscle relaxer by removing calcium from the muscles and introducing it into the bloodstream. Having the calcium in the blood stream instead of the muscles will have your muscles relaxed and thereby inducing sleep.


  • Deactivates adrenaline


We all know adrenaline; the fight or flight hormone. Adrenaline will keep you up by elevating your heart rate and increasing awareness. Magnesium in the body works to deactivate the adrenaline. If our bodies had adrenalineall the time, then sleeping would be impossible.


It causes diarrhea once taken in large doses.


Magnesium is one of the fastest methods of inducing sleep since it is actively involved in various processes in the body. Most doctors recommend it as a first alternative since any symptoms of sleep deprivation could be caused by magnesium deficiency.



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