Signature Sleep Contour 8-Inch Independently-Encased Coil Mattress Review

Signature Sleep Contour 8-Inch Independently-Encased Coil Mattress Review

Made with CertiPUR-US certified foam, this mattress embraces technology while staying true to the brand. The materials that make it are all certified for human use, and it does not deplete the ozone layer.   

There are two types of mattresses: those that set you back a small fortune and last a long time or those that retail cheaply but sag within a few months of use. This brand meets you halfway. It will not send you to bankruptcy, but it will still last you 10 years. The material is breathable to prevent odors, while its nature makes it ideal for those suffering back pain. Here are some of the highlights of this new product from Signature Sleep.

  • Convenient Packaging For Easy Porting

As has become the norm with most mattress companies these days, the mattress comes packed in a cylindrical package that only weighs about 50 pounds. It makes it easy to carry upstairs when you compare to the mattress wrapped lengthwise. This particular brand needs a maximum 48 hours to expand to its required size.

There is a slight smell when you first open it, which is quite reasonable with most new things. It will disappear within hours of spreading the mattress lengthwise and allowing it to air out. If you think your purchase looks shorter than the dimensions indicated on the box, your eyes are not playing games with you. Give it some hours, and it will be its full size upon expansion.

  • The Price is King!

Mattresses require a substantial investment. Most people spend a lot, thinking that the higher the price, the better the product. That may be true on most occasions, but not always. Some brands like this Signature Mattress defy such logic to give you a product that could be worth several times its price. Depending on the size you want (double, queen, or king), this mattress is relatively cheap. It is ideal for youngsters just getting starting out on their own, the guest room, children’s room, and even for the master bedroom. It costs much cheaper than most mattresses in the same quality category.  

  • Value for Money

While mattresses take quite a chunk of your money, most of them do not last long enough to return that value. The manufacturers of this piece, Signature Sleep, give it a lifespan of 10 years. They say within this time your mattress will last the test of time, handle a reasonable weight, and still retain its bounce and shape. If you just left campus and bought this mattress to stat you over, you could relax for a good ten years before thinking of buying another one.

  • Comfort

Suffering from back pain? Get yourself this Signature mattress. The manufacturer layered it excellently to ensure maximum comfort to whoever lies on it. The coils reduce motion up to a reasonable percentage.

It is encased with progressive coils in all the eight individual layers. This is how the mattress gets its back-pain easing property. The layers are each encased in foam to ease the stiffness while still leaving the final product stable enough to handle your weight.

After the 8th coil, there is one 1.25-inch layer of nothing but high-density foam to create a strong wedge that will hold your body firmly without allowing it to sink. This material is quite hard, which is why the manufacturer covers it with 12-Indentation Load Deflection (ILD) foam to soften the hard density foam. This medium density material softens the edges while leaving the mattress just hard enough to handle the weight of your body, but still soft enough to soothe your back.

  • Material Allows Air Circulation

The top of the mattress after all those layers is a polyester cotton-blend jacquard that is soft and easy to clean. One of this product’s most important qualities is the ability to keep the mattress aerated. The material allows air to penetrate, which makes this product ideal for those who live in humid areas. When your body temperature heats the mattress up, the jacquard allows it to penetrate. If it is during winter, your mattress retains the temperatures of your body, so you do not need extra covers. During summer, it distributes the heat so that you do not wake up in a heat rush. It is the ideal product for any weather.

When your mattress is perfectly aired, it will not stink as is wont of mattresses that do not allow air circulation. The manufacturer recommends that you boost its breathability with a thin mattress pad, which will also protect it from soiling.

Caring For the Mattress

When cleaning it, the manufacturer recommends the use of a wet towel to wipe off the grime. If you have the top thin pad, then it would protect it from spills. You can use a sponge to suck as much as whatever liquid would have seeped through in case there is a spill, and then fan it to dry. Be gentle with the sponge to avoid pushing the liquid even further into the mattress. The top layer prevents liquids from seeping through, but it can only do so much.


The one-year warranty is not nearly enough for a product that has a 10-year lifespan. The warranty is also limited to cover only a handful of mishaps. The manufacturer is not doing very well in this sector, seeing that the competition offers longer warranty periods.

A slight smell comes from the mattress as soon as you unpack it. As much as this minor nuisance goes off in hours, it is quite distracting, as you would be forced to allow it to stay for the required 48 hours to eliminate it.

This mattress needs a foundation (bed). If placed on the floor, it sags within a short period and the manufacturer would not accept it back, even if the warranty were still in play.

Parting Shot

This mattress is good value for money. Get one now. Can you think of someone, anyone in your life, who could use a good mattress? This gift is ideal.

Signature Sleep Contour 8 inch Reversible Encased Coil Mattress King click here

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