If you are reading this, there is a chance you suffer from some form of insomnia. As much as 40% of the adult populations in the U.S suffer from a form of insomnia. A lot of products have been prescribed to you by the physician, but none seems to be working. What should you do? Try yoga!

In simple terms,Yoga is an exercise routine that has low-impact coupled with high returns to your health. Yoga as a practice has been around from around the 12th century. Yoga helps you sleep by allowing mental relaxation of your body.

What are its features & benefits?


  • Calms nerves


Yoga as a practice advocates for the relaxation of the mind, body, and soul. It leads you into a trance like a state that allows you to meditate and relax your thoughts. Once the session ends your mind is free of any encumbrances allowing you to have a healthy night’s sleep.


  • Eases physical discomforts


Certain yoga poses allow for the relieving of pains in the body. If pains from exhausted limbs, lower backs and sacrum are causing you to have sleepless nights, then a physician may recommend certain pain medications which might not work. However, yoga might just do the trick with certain poses such as cat-cow and a downward dog known to relieve this certain types of pain.


  • Reduces insomnia


Research recently one in Brazil separated two groups of women that suffered from insomnia. One group did yoga sessions twice per week while the other group did not receive any yoga sessions and solely relied on sleeping pills. The group that received yoga session showed a severe decline of episodes of insomnia. What’s more, they had greater stress resistance compared to the group that didn’t receive yoga. The study had a conclusion that yoga had a considerable effect on insomnia when practiced consistently.


  • Allows concentration


Due to yoga’s demands for physical and mental strength, if you practice yoga always mental alertness will be heightened. It will allow you to be more focused once you arrive at your workstation. Heightened attention will allow you to perform to your best ability. Once the day ends,your mind will be tired, thereby needing sleep which will now come quickly. Since the mind was completely engaged during the day, you will not experience constant disruptions to your sleeping patterns.

Parting shot

Apart from helping the physical aspects of your body, yoga helps you sleep much quickly. What’s more, it is not as physically demanding as other forms of exercise despite achieving the same or greater results when compared to them.



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