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Drink Tart Cherry Juice for a better night sleep

Drink Tart Cherry Juice for a better night sleep   Insomnia has become such a serious problem that there are around 60 million prescriptions filled for sleeping pills. Not to mention the various traditional methods of treating insomnia available. While some methods have yet to be proven as factual, some have been altogether ruled out as folklore. One method that’s currently proving popular is...[Read More]





Curd remedy to cure insomnia

Curd remedy to cure insomnia Experiencing infrequent bouts of sleep is a sign of insomnia. There are several medications for insomnia available from traditional to western. I’m going to talk of curd as a remedy for insomnia. What is curd? This is a dairy product that’s derived from coagulating milk. The process is hastened by adding vinegar, lemon or rennet. How does curd treat insomnia? Retains e...[Read More]





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Can’t Sleep? Try tryptophan For a Good Snooze

Can’t Sleep? Try tryptophan For a Good Snooze L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid that we can only get from food, is used to manage insomnia. Here is how. Weight watchers and body builders swear by proteins. Why is that? Protein is the building block of muscles, and it keeps you full for longer. It helps repair muscles that wear off during intensive workouts, hence helping you build the body you...[Read More]





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Acupuncture May Help With Sleep Apnea!

Acupuncture May Help With Sleep Apnea! Brazilian researchers have found more evidence that acupuncture could be used to reduce the occurrences of sleep apnea. Acupuncture helps by strengthening the genioglossus, or tongue muscle, the leading cause of obstructed airways. For years, sleep apnea sufferers have been using CPAP machines to manage the condition, and so far, the method has worked well (f...[Read More]



3 Ways In Which Salt May be Keeping You Awake

3 Ways In Which Salt May be Keeping You Awake Sleep o’clock! Are you sleepy yet or are the cars speeding away keeping you company?   Just like you, most of us struggle with insomnia and only end up fighting the resultant exhaustion from sleep deprivation with big gulps of coffee. But, does coffee help? Yes and No. While coffee keeps you active, it also affects other metabolic processes worsening y...[Read More]



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Reasons Why You Need Trazodone To Help With Sleep

Reasons Why You Need Trazodone To Help With Sleep Aren’t you tired of the dark circles under your eyes, the low energy levels, low productivity and the crankiness that is killing your social life – don’t forget the depression that is slowly creeping into your life? The truth is, without enough zzz’s you will not function. Being an adult (adulting) requires your mind to be functioning optimal...[Read More]



You Need Hydroxyzine To Help You Sleep

You Need Hydroxyzine To Help You Sleep Why can’t I sleep? Why did that medication ward off insomnia in your friends yet you are here still struggling? Why can’t you just sleep? If these are some of the questions running through your mind then, it means you got prescriptions for temazepam, diphenhydramine, quetiapine, or trazodone. Though they work for others, they didn’t work for you. You are prob...[Read More]

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